
Under-resourced communities have significantly less access to quality trees, green spaces, and nature. This project will use personal insights from these workshops to guide the creation of tools to support grassroots initiatives and change this inequity. By working together, communities across the country can overcome environmental challenges – and start a movement that sweeps the nation.

Collaborative Workshops 

The five two-hour collaborative workshops explored the following questions:

  • Needs & Values: What community strengths, needs, and concerns should organizers understand and consider? How do heritage, culture, and lived experiences shape your views?
  • Information: What kind of information about the benefits and types of urban and community forestry resonates with you and your community? In what form? And from whom?
  • Involvement: How should community members be involved in planning, decision-making, and implementing initiatives related to urban and community forestry?

A National Effort

We must increase the momentum for community-led planning and caring for local trees, green spaces, and nature. In order to accomplish this, accessible tools to effectively communicate the benefits of natural surroundings in terms of health, environmental challenges, and economic justice are vitally needed.

Group 9

Collaboration is Key

Through discussions and conversations, participants attended these workshops to design communication tools that will work for their communities. The participants are from organizations that focus on equity for seven demographic groups.


Participants are from all over the United States and its surrounding territories, in roles such as senior services, civic organizations, schools, food justice, childcare, immigrant services, and much more.

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Together, we’re sparking conversations and spreading benefits. 

Workshop I:
September 2023

  • Explore the values, strengths, and obstacles related to Urban and Community Forestry Initiatives in their communities
  • Understand the benefits

Workshop II:
October–November 2023

  • Explore the best ways (how, who, what format/materials, etc.) to communicate with their communities

Workshop III:
December 2023

  • Explore how to effectively involve the community in initiatives
  • Explore the types of trees, green spaces, and nature that they care about the most

Our Goal  

This project aims to address historical disparities in access to trees, green spaces, and nature by building communications tools specifically tailored to the equity concerns of under-resourced communities. We're developing a toolkit through our collaborative workshops that anyone can use to help their community. And create a ripple effect that moves the country to take action.